How I am Learning to Trust My Writing Voice

Organizing my mind, and exploring myself to become a better person and writer.

RJ Wade
11 min readMar 25, 2021
Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

Some are born with a purpose, others have to wait until a crisis for clarity, and for some, it never comes. For myself, it’s always been writing. That doesn’t mean I didn’t deny myself my occupation. I convinced myself it was too competitive or that I lacked the talent. I refused to accept my purpose because I was scared to fail.

Instead, I pursued being a lawyer or a doctor. School came naturally to me, and I wanted to help people. I thought the only way was to work directly with those who needed help and physically mold the world to be better. My family was happy, my peers at school were happy, and I thought I was too.

“There is freedom in being a writer and writing. It is fulfilling your function. I used to think freedom meant doing whatever you want. It means knowing who you are, what you are supposed to be doing on this earth, and then simply doing it.”

― Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within



RJ Wade

Aspiring storyteller, I write about habit change, meditation, life style design, and sometimes there’s a fiction story here and there.